Coming out on Netflix is The Deepest Breath. This is a documentary that follows Italian freediver Alessia Zecchini as she...
Out in Irish cinemas on June 16th is The Flash. Starring Ezra Miller, Sasha Calle and Michael Keaton, The Flash...
Coming to Apple TV+, as well as a limited run at the Lighthouse Cinema, is Still: A Michael J. Fox...
Evil Dead is a decades-long franchise adored by many. Sam Raimi’s film has transcended its humble beginnings from movies to...
Are you ready to accept this latest mission? Are you ready to watch Tom Cruise defy death once again? Well,...
Right, let’s do this one more time. Five years ago, audiences were introduced to Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) in Spider-Man:...
It’s time for the swansong kids. That’s right, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is here and it’s time to...
Coming to cinemas on July 7th is Elemental. This is the latest Pixar film, and it is directed by Peter...
Sisu is a Finnish concept described as stoic determination, tenacity of purpose, grit, bravery, resilience, and hardiness and is held...
I don’t like body horror, I don’t like horror really. It’s not because I don’t like the genre, it’s because...