Bolshoi Babylon provides an engaging and interesting (if thematically simplistic) behind-the-scenes look at one of Russia's greatest cultural institutions.
The Queen of Ireland is a powerful, moving document that acts as a time-capsule of emotion and social change. It's also the funniest film of the year.
The Lobster is a unique and oddly affecting take on modern relationships, with a fine cast committing to its deadpan strangeness.
Pat Murphy's return behind the camera is a charming and insightful look at the real fruit of the loom.
Black Mass is filled with a star-studded cast, but it is Johnny Depp's portrayal of Jimmy Whitey Bulger that will have you on the edge of your seat.
Mississippi Grind has earned a place for itself among the gambling classics with its unique angle on addiction and male friendship.
The Walk can't match Man On Wire's insight, but Robert Zemeckis' 3D recreation of Philippe Petit's fully-realised Twin Towers escapade is a sight to behold.