Nocturnal Animals is an exceptional, ink black story that strays across many paths without ever losing sight of its singular destination.
To celebrate the release of Midnight Special (12A) we’re giving our readers the chance to win a mysterious Midnight Special merchandise pack . Out April 8th.
First TV Spot for Ariel Vromen's The Iceman, starring Chris Evans, James Franco and Michael Shannon.
UK quad poster for Jeff Nichol's Mud, starring Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon and Michael Shannon.
To celebrate the release of Elvis & Nixon (June 24th) we’re giving our readers the chance to win a special Elvis & Nixon merchandise pack.
First clip from Jake Paltrow's sci-fi actioner Young Ones, featuring Michael Shannon and Nicholas Hoult.
Arty French poster for Jeff Nichol's Mud, starring Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon and Michael Shannon.
Though more familiar than it might care to admit, Midnight Special is a handsome and thoughtful throwback to Spielberg in his heyday.
Snyder and co have made the best looking, best sounding, most action-packed superhero film ever, they just forgot to include the essence of what makes the (super)man.
Beautiful Mondo designed SXSW poster for Jeff Nichol's Mud, starring Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon and Michael Shannon.