In this political climate comedian, Jon Stewart has decided to bring together a talented cast to tell the tale of...
Blade Runner 2049 is a masterpiece and you have to see it so that you can experience it too. It is an experience like no other, and it will leave your heart racing when all is said and done.
Tully is a fantastic film, a character story about the reality of parenting and what it can do to a woman.
Scannain meets star Daniel Radcliffe to talk about What If and his current career path. The film is out August 20th.
Production is currently underway at Killruddery Estate and Gardens in Wicklow on Floria Sigismondi's The Turning, which is being produced by Hollywood legend Steven Spielberg and stars Finn Wolfhard and Mackenzie Davis.
UK trailer for Michael Dowse's What If? (formerly The F Word), starring Daniel Radcliffe, Zoe Kazan, and Adam Driver. Out August 20th.