Set in the far-flung future Dune is about an Empire filled with bizarre and intriguing characters. Where Great Houses vie...
Jack Sparrow may be tired, but with impressive visuals and genuinely fun action set pieces there is still fun to be had on the high seas.
Exciting first trailer for Pierre Morel's The Gunman, starring Sean Penn, Javier Bardem, and Idris Elba. Out February 20th.
UK one-sheet poster for Ridley Scott's The Counsellor, starring Michael Fassbender, Javier Bardem, and Brad Pitt.
Its cosmopolitan credentials front and centre, the 71st Festival de Cannes opens on May 8th with Todos lo saben (Everybody Knows), a Spanish psychological thriller, directed by an Iranian and produced by a French company and directed by Asghar Farhadi.
Brothers Brian and Domhnall Gleeson are in talks to star in Noah director Darren Aronofsky's untitled new film at Paramount Pictures.
The Counsellor has no idea of its own silliness. Yet, no matter how odd it gets (and it gets REALLY odd at times), it's still dreadfully boring.
mother! is a troubling, and tense film filled with terrifying characters, brutal imagery and a lasting sense of dread
Senn Penn tries to pull a Neeson with The Gunman, but lightning doesn't quite strike twice for Taken director Pierre Morel.
"Rattling Your Cage" clip for Ridley Scott's The Counsellor, starring Michael Fassbender, Javier Bardem, and Brad Pitt.