The Irish Film Institute and Maynooth University have announced the opening of the IFI Irish Film Archive @ Maynooth University, a new purpose-built moving image preservation facility at Maynooth University, launched today by Josepha Madigan T.D., Minister of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.
The Sound of Silents presents a colourful range of rarely-screened silent films from the IFI Irish Film Archive dating from 1897 to 1970 on April 9th.
The Irish Film Institute has launched their new IFI Player, a virtual viewing room giving global audiences instant access to the Irish Film Archive.
The IFI Irish Film Archive today publishes a new Digital Preservation & Access Strategy that outlines efforts at preservation in a digital environment.
IFI Irish Film Archive issues a call-out to the public to take part in a national survey to help safeguard Ireland’s moving image heritage.