Ladies and gentlemen, the furry blue blur is back! Sonic the Hedgehog (Ben Schwartz) is back in the appropriately titled...
The Dark Tower is nothing special and is a poorly executed adaptation of what is a much-beloved book series.
Win one of three great prize packs from Jurassic World, with thanks to Universal Pictures Ireland. Out in Irish cinemas June 11th.
First trailer for Colin Trevorrow's Jurassic World, starring Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, and BD Wong. Out June 12th.
The Suicide Squad are back everybody. That’s right the supervillain team made to do the things superheroes are too good...
Zootroplis' lovely animation combines with a smart screenplay to provide a treat for all ages.
Senn Penn tries to pull a Neeson with The Gunman, but lightning doesn't quite strike twice for Taken director Pierre Morel.
Thor: Ragnarok is an enjoyable but flawed romp into the trippier side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The first part of our latest recommendations for Netflix along with some new release information.
Exciting first trailer for Pierre Morel's The Gunman, starring Sean Penn, Javier Bardem, and Idris Elba. Out February 20th.