Set in the far-flung future Dune is about an Empire filled with bizarre and intriguing characters. Where Great Houses vie...
Blade Runner 2049 is a masterpiece and you have to see it so that you can experience it too. It is an experience like no other, and it will leave your heart racing when all is said and done.
Behind the scenes first look at the 24th James Bond adventure, SPECTRE. Out November 6th.
Marvel has released 3 UK character posters for Guardians of the Galaxy, featuring Zoe Saldana, Vin Diesel, and Bradley Cooper.
Stuber is an enjoyable and safe option, but just not original enough or funny enough to be anything especially interesting.
With the lack of an emotional core like its predecessor and another unambitious villainous plot Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is altogether a weaker film, still fun but weaker nonetheless.
24th James Bond adventure, SPECTRE, announced at Pinewood Studios. Irish star Andrew Scott has joined the cast. Out November 2015.
With the arrival of Thanos the MCU is shaken to its very core and nothing will ever be the same again. With powerful performances, an incredible villain and intense action Avengers: Infinity War is the event of the year.
It delivers the requisite kabooms, but the overly-busy Guardians of the Galaxy has little to say and says it very loudly.