Out this Friday is the latest animation from Dreamworks Animation, The Croods: A New Age. This is the sequel to...
Alan Gilsenan's Irish/Canadian co-production Unless will play at the 17th Calgary International Film Festival later this month.
Principal photography begins on Alan Gilsenan's Irish/Canadian co-production Unless, starring Catherine Keener, Matt Craven, and Hannah Gross.
Second UK/Irish trailer for Irish director John Carney's Begin Again, starring Mark Ruffalo, Keira Knightley, and Adam Levine.
Incredibles 2 is filled with that same heart and bombastic oomph that audiences fell in love with all those years ago
Mongrel Media has released the first trailer for Alan Gilsenan’s Irish/Canadian co-production Unless. The film premieres at TIFF next month.
First Trailer and Poster for "David O. Russell"'s Accidental Love, starring Jessica Biel, Jake Gyllenhaal, and James Marsden.
Sicario 2: Soldado is an evolved beast, intense and brutal with masterful cinematography and a fantastic score.
Another of the big Irish international co-productions to be released in 2016 is Alan Gilsenan's Canadian based Unless, starring Catherine Keener.
Irish writer director John Carney's Begin Again wins Music prize at the 2014 Shanghai International Film Festival.