So The Hangover 2 is a go with the original main trio returning to their roles for the sequel to...
John Landis is gathering together quite a cast for his new horror comedy, Burke and Hare. Isla Fisher, Andy Serkis...
Collider has a source that is saying the James Bond star Daniel Craig is in line to take the role...
More news from the world of the Green Lantern with details emerging that Peter Sarsgaard is set to play the...
Precious director Lee Daniels is putting the pieces in place for his next movie, a Martin Luther King historical drama...
Conan director Marcus Nispel has found his Barbarian for the forthcoming re-imaging of Robert E. Howard’s iconic series of books....
It seems like Paul Rudd and Zach Galifianakis just can’t get enough of one another. Following their pairing in the...
Casting for Transformers 3 is well under way and today sees the addition of two rather eclectic personalities in the...
Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston has joined the cast of director Andrew Stanton’s new movie John Carter of Mars. The...
Duncan Jones follow-up to his excellent début Moon is coming along nicely. News today that Up in the Air star...