A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon, that’s right folks. Shaun the Sheep is back! This time with a sci-fi twist.
It’s been four years since the release of Shaun the Sheep Movie and Aardman Animations have not been resting on their laurels. Straight after the release of Shaun the Sheep work began on the sequel, A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon.
This time around Shaun and the gang are on an adventure with a new out of this world friend named Lu-La. Along the way, they’ll have to avoid the ever-watching eyes of Bitzer and a more sinister force from the government.
A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon is a brilliant film. I adored it. From the comedy to the pitch-perfect score this film is top-notch. Having watched the first film the night before I was prepared for something great from Aardman Animations and thankfully they didn’t disappoint.
Shaun and his friend phone home
Let me start with the chief element that makes A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon, Lu-La. From her adorable design to her hilarious attitude there is nothing less than charm coming from this new addition to the Shaun the Sheep Universe. A fun tidbit about her design is her head is the shape of the traditional UFO and her body is the shape of the tractor beam. It’s a design that when combined with the colour palette the artist went with really pops.
What amplifies the already impressive animation onscreen is the cinematography. The way directors Dave Alex Riddett sets up scenes, in a particular an explosive encounter in a supermarket, is nothing short of out of this world. There’s also a kinetic and energetic score which moves the characters and the film at a brisk and fun pace.
There is a lot here for fans of animation, for fans of sci-fi and especially for fans of Shaun the Sheep. For example, there are a ton of sci-fi easter eggs which will make any sci-fi enthusiast chuckle.
If there are any negatives it is this. If you are not a fan of Shaun the Sheep or animation as a whole you will likely find nothing here that interests you. After all, even if the humour is quite sharp it can be juvenile at times but that doesn’t matter when you’re simply looking to entertain, and that is what A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon does, entertain, from the littlest lamb to the biggest sheep.

Ultimately what won me over to Farmageddon was its humour and its heart. I couldn’t help but empathise with each character whether they be new or old. Even the antagonist of the film has a narrative that comes to a satisfying conclusion.
It’s hard to convey so much with so little. A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon has no dialogue within it and yet the characters say so much with their gestures and most importantly their actions. All in all, it’s the writing that helps these characters shine as bright as stars.
A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon is easily one of the best-animated features of the year. Stay tuned to Scannain for more news, reviews, and interviews.