Hollywood is really determined to keep this 3D bandwagon rolling with news today that both Sony’s Green Hornet adaptation and Paramount’s The Last Airbender are set to get the 3D overhaul. Sony has also bumped the release of it’s crime-fighting hero movie back from December to January to allow time for the transformation.
Both films were originally shot using 2D cameras so this “upgrade” comes by way of the technology used in post-production on Clash of the Titans and Alice in Wonderland. And we know how great the 3D was on those! Yikes…
The fact that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Tron Legacy will be in 3D in the cinemas in December is also said to have impacted the release date shuffle for Green Hornet, as cinemas are still not equipped to handle multiple big name 3D features. The move by Sony also sees Priest, the vampire action thriller starring Paul Bettany, shoved back to March.
I’m hoping that Iron Man 2 and Inception are criminally successful in 2D just to show that 3D, unless planned from the start like Avatar, is utterly pointless.