Black Swan is a movie that I would ordinarily not be interested in at all – I mean it’s about ballet – except for the involvement of one Mr. Darren Aronofsky. You see Aronofsky is really quite brilliant having given us the wonderful Requiem For A Dream, as well as last years The Wrestler.
Plus he cast Natalie Portman who has been remarkable in everything (save Star Wars) since her début in Léon. The story follows Portman’s ballet dancer, as she competes with Mila Kunis’ character for a prize role in Swan Lake.
The movie was reported to have a dark and visceral overtone and this is immediately evident in the new trailer for the project, which shows that Aronofsky has lost none of his visual flair. There’s a HD version over on if the below embedded clip leaves you wanting more.
We have also be treated to the first poster for the movie, which will début at this years Venice Film Festival, before going on US release in December. We have to wait until January 21st for the pleasure.