To celebrate the first anniversary of a momentous day in Irish history, the passing of the Marriage Equality Referendum, Happenings has teamed up with Blinder Films to bring an open-air screening of the brilliant Panti Bliss documentary The Queen of Ireland to Dublin’s Merrion Square on May 19th.
Before the screening there will be food, music and a panel discussion on the events leading up to the referendum, the film itself and where we are at one year on. The panel, which will be hosted by Con Pair, will consiste of Panti herself, director Conor Horgan, producer Katie Holly, Micheal McDermott, and Una Mullally.
The Queen of Ireland is directed by film-maker and photographer Conor Horgan (One Hundred Mornings, Deep End Dance, The Beholder) and builds up a multi-faceted picture of a complex and compelling character through behind the scenes footage, archive, music and interviews with friends, peers and protégés.
Pandora ‘Panti’ Bliss is many things: part glamorous aunt, part Jessica Rabbit, she’s a wittily incisive performer with charisma to burn who is regarded as one of the best drag queens in the world. Created by Rory O’Neill, Panti is also an accidental activist and in her own words ‘a court jester, whose role is to say the un-sayable’. Over the last few years Rory has become a figurehead for LGBT rights in Ireland and since the recent scandal around Pantigate, his fight for equality and against homophobia has become recognised across the world.
Happenings advice that attendees bring warm clothes and blankets, as it can get chilly in the park. Entry is €5 for the strictly alcohol free event.
More information can be found on the Happenings website.