Now widely regarded as one of the best films ever made, Frank Darabont’s The Shawshank Redemption was a commercial failure on its release. While the film found favour with critic and the Academy (garnering 7 Oscar nominations), it was at home, on video, where it finally earned the recognition it deserved. Almost 20 years after its original cinematic release Dublin now gets a chance to witness this modern masterpiece on the big screen again as Light House Cinema’s Cinema Book Club will show the film at 18:30 on Monday April 28th.
What makes this event even more special is that it is part of their brilliant Cinema Book club, meaning fans of the film , and the Steven King short story on which it is based, can sit down after the screening and chat about how the story and the film contrast and compare.
This is a monthly endeavour by Light House Cinema, and having been to a few we can say with absolute certainty that they are a unique and wonderful way to enjoy both the movies and books which have shaped our lives. The events are held in partnership with Chapters Bookstore on Parnell St., so if you mention the Book Club in Chapters you get 10% off the book, and if you show your Chapters receipt at Light House Cinema then you’ll get 10% off the film ticket price.
For those that don’t know it, this film is an extraordinary tale of hope, friendship and survival inside a maximum security prison, starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. For those that do…you know just how good it is. Either way you need to head to the Light House Cinema website to get your tickets before it’s too late!