The Irish Film & Television Academy (IFTA) has announced that Martin Scorsese, the legendary filmmaker, will come to Dublin next weekend to hold the IFTA Masterclass with Irish Academy Members and also to receive the prestigious John Ford Award from Ireland and the Irish Academy in tribute to the inspirational and world-renowned Irish-American Filmmaker John Ford. Ford has been a major influence on Scorsese’s work. The Award ceremony presentation and Masterclass will both take place on Saturday 25th February in Dublin.
Speaking about receiving the Academy’s John Ford Award, Martin Scorsese said:
To me and to so many directors, John Ford is a towering figure and continues to be a profound inspiration. His films deftly convey his unique and acute sense of humanity; his deep understanding of people. When I first started watching his films, Ford’s force behind the camera was palpable. He was a visionary in the truest form and his films are enriched with artistic energy. I see his films often, studying them and each time I learn something new. To be honoured by the Irish Film & Television Academy to receive an award created in celebration of John Ford’s artistry and prestige, has great personal significance for me.
IFTA Chief Executive Áine Moriarty said:
It is a great honour for the Irish Academy to present this John Ford Award to Martin Scorsese, truly one of the world’s greatest filmmakers. We thank Martin for his support for the Academy and our work, and for taking the time to share his great knowledge and expertise with our Irish filmmakers here in Dublin – we look forward to a brilliant, inspiring and passionate Masterclass and Discussion with Scorsese at the helm.
IFTA will announce further details of the Award presentation ceremony and special guests next week.
The Irish Film and Television Academy is also working with the University Philosophical Society of Trinity College where Mr Scorsese will speak with the Phil Society Members and he will be presented with the Gold Medal of Honorary Patronage of the Society.
The Masterclass takes place on Saturday 25th February at 2 pm in Dublin city centre.
The Masterclass is open to all Industry, with priority given to Members of the Directors Chapter of the Academy, Producers, and Scriptwriters; and will give participants a first-hand insight into the work, technique, influences and career of world renowned filmmaker Martin Scorsese.
If you are interested in attending, apply via email with a brief bio and up to date credits stating if you are a director/producer/writer etc including your email address. The deadline to apply is noon Tuesday 21st February. Places are limited.
The John Ford Ireland Film Symposium takes place every two years and is focussed on contemporary filmmaking and filmmakers that have been inspired and informed by the timeless work and craft of legendary Irish-American director John Ford, one of the world’s most respected and influential filmmakers. This is a unique event of vibrant discussion, fresh understanding and learning from Ford’s mastering of the artform, with special Screenings, Discussions, Masterclasses, Lectures, workshops, Music and Song. The Symposium is a unique gathering of filmmakers, directors, writers, producers, cinematographers, editors, film fans and film historians discussing the craft and all things film. Previous guests and panelists include Clint Eastwood, Peter Bogdanovich, Bertrand Tavernier, Dan Ford, Patrick Wayne, Marissa Wayne, Stephen Frears, Neil Jordan, Jim Sheridan, John Boorman, Kyle Eastwood, John Crowley, Joel Cox, Sean Bobbitt and Whit Stillman.