The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has released its 2017 infographic, which charts much of its activity over the past year.
Mirroring the format of the BAI Strategy Statement 2017-2019, the infographic captures the work of the Authority over the past year under its five strategic themes: Promoting Diversity and Plurality; Communicating and Influencing; Empowering Audiences; Enhancing Innovation and Sectoral Sustainability; and Achieving Excellence and Accountability.
In 2017, the BAI:
- Offered €11.27m in funding for 239 radio and TV projects under the Sound and Vision Scheme.
- Licenced 25 temporary radio contracts.
- Issued more than 350 social media posts supporting and promoting the Irish broadcasting sector.
- Hosted events to support the launch of the BAI Strategy Statement 2017-2019, the new General Commercial Communications Code, and the BAI-funded section of the Reuters Institute Digital News Report.
- Supported screenings of a number of high profile Sound and Vision funded programmes and films, including The Breadwinner; Between Land and Sea; Meetings with Ivor; Poc na nGael and Cardboard Gangsters.
- Received 109 valid complaints relating to programming and advertisements broadcast on Irish radio and television.
- Allocated €495,000 to training and development initiatives and provided nearly €143,000 in sponsorship to events and activities.
- Received 29 Freedom of Information requests.
The BAI’s role is not just to regulate the broadcast sector in Ireland, but also to ensure that it reflects and shapes a modern Ireland. Our work in 2017 included allocating more than €11m from the television licence fee to quality radio and TV programmes on Irish culture, heritage and experience, improving media literacy and programming in the Irish language; allocating nearly €500,000 for training and development initiatives such as Women on Air, Learning Waves, and the Community Television Association; and sponsoring events such as the All-Ireland Radio Awards, the Choice Music Prize and the National Student Media Awards.
We have a number of key activities planned for 2018, including the launch of referenda guidelines and public consultation on the Broadcasting Services Strategy and BAI ownership and control policy, and we look forward to engaging with sectoral interests and audiences alike over the coming year.
Michael O’Keeffe, Chief Executive – BAI
A copy of the infographic can be found here.