The award-winning Irish film Dare To Be Wild launched at this year’s annual RHS Chelsea Flower Show. The launch marks a call to action to bring wild nature back into that little space we ourselves control – our own gardens.
Irish, UK and American actors Janie Dee, Grace Carter, Rory Fleck-Byrne, Phoebe Fox, and Kyle Soller joined Director/Writer Vivienne de Courcy at the Chelsea Flower Show in support of the Dare to be Wild movement.
The film follows Mary Reynolds’ adventures from the green hills of Ireland, to the desert highlands of Ethiopia, to London’s Chelsea for the garden design competition of 2002. Dare To Be Wild is the against-all-odds story of a modern-day heroine, whose quest is to show the world the power of wild nature as she reaches for her dreams – one garden, one vast desert, at a time.
The heart of this true romantic adventure is Mary Reynolds’ quest to win the gold medal at the 2002 Chelsea Flower Show with her ‘wild’ Celtic Sanctuary garden design, and the filmmaker’s goal of preserving and re-generating natural habitats worldwide. Dare To Be Wild will be released in UK and Irish cinemas from 26th August.
Dare To Be Wild opens the Fastnet Film Festival on May 25 followed by a Q&A with Writer & Director Vivienne de Courcy. At BLOOM, on Friday June 3 and Saturday June 4 Vivienne and Mary Reynolds will cross-interview each other on the value of “forest gardening” and “inspirational films.”
The film has a strong cast lead by Emma Greenwell (Love and Friendship, and Pride and Prejudice and Vampires) as Mary Reynolds and Tom Hughes (The Game, About Time, Cemetery Junction) as Christy Collard. Also starring is Alex Macqueen (Youth, Four Lions, I Give it a Year, The Hide), Janie Dee (Me and Orson Welles, Little White lies), Christine Marzano (Seven Psychopaths, Byzantium, Paranoia), Alaa Safi (The Avengers, A Prophet, Traitor.)
Director/Writer Vivienne de Courcy said:
Dare to be Wild asks us to take a leap of faith to support the wild by inviting nature into our own back yards – let’s throw a lifeline to the wilderness.