Extras are required for an experimental production titled An American Wake, a full length feature film that aims to be shot in 48 hours, from the 19th February to the 21st February.
The film follows Eric, a young man in Bray who is about to start a new life in America. The audience will follow Eric on his last day in Ireland as loose ends are tied off and his friends attempt to give him a going away party to remember.
An American Wake is produced by Craig Moore for Moore For Less Productions under the Filmbase Presents banner, and will be directed by Rian Mahood Gallagher. The film stars Eoin Bartley, Kellie Ni Dhuibhir, Simon O’Neill, Barry Kelleghan, Vicky Goslin and Hazel Gavigan, and will be shot on location in Bray.
Extras will be required for the shoot. Interested parties can apply by emailing anamericanwake@gmail.com