Two years ago Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr. teamed up to breathe live into one of Marvel Comic‘s lesser...
Shutter Island, the oft-delayed Martin Scorsese adaptation of the best-selling Denis Lehane book finally hits Irish cinema screens on March...
There’s only one thing Michael Moore likes more than talking about his home-town of Flint, Michigan, and that’s having a...
I love the cinema going experience. It’s one of my true pleasures in life. The red seats, the over-sized drinks,...
Darren over at the m0vie blog tagged me for the latest blogging meme, so here are ten movie based pieces...
You know that moment you’ve been waiting your whole life for, the moment when someone you respect and admire tackles...
There seems to be an epidemic in Hollywood these days with studios intent on wheeling out old properties and remaking...
Matt Damon + Paul Greengrass + Action = Great films + Box office gold. Matt Damon + Paul Greengrass +...
With Ondine Neil Jordan brings Colin Farrell home for a fantastical, heart-warming Irish movie about love, and the strange forms...
It shouldn’t have been possible, heck it probably shouldn’t have even been attempted, James Ellroy’s book was considered to be...