JoinedAugust 26th, 2016
45 Years is a quiet but moving portrait of how the strongest of loves can be tested, with marvellous performances from Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay at its heart.
Try as it might to tell a compelling story, Fantastic Four is just too drab, dull and compromised to be of much interest.
Bruno Dumont looks under the surface of French country life, and discovers a dark underbelly and his funny bone in one go. A pitch-black treat.
Essentially a filmed play, three fine lead actors can't overcome Miss Julie's deathly dull direction.
With nothing to say about gamers or gaming, and precisely zero laughs, Pixels is a particularly pricey exemplar of what Adam Sandler does best (or worst).
With characters and dialogue purpose-built for annoyance, Mistress America overreaches for laughs and just ends up outstaying its welcome, even at just 84 minutes.