Irish web series Sucking Diesel, written and directed by Tralee man Maurice O’ Carroll and produced by Sinéad O’ Riordan, has won Best International Web Series at NYCWebFest. It was also nominated in three other categories: Outstanding Achievement in Editing, Best Actor (Johnny Elliott), and Special Guest Star (Eddie Jackson).
Maurice O’ Carroll & Sinéad O’ Riordan know how to tell a story and create something from nothing. We pay attention to all of these factors when we make our decisions, and that’s why Sucking Diesel is the Best International Series for the 2018 NYC Web Fest.
Lauren Atkins Founder, NYC Web Fest
The series follows the journey of the protagonist Fr Mick(Elliott), a man trapped in his vocation and restricted in his thoughts and actions as he numbs his pain and loneliness by turning to drugs. He is dragged further into a dark underworld under the weight of his drug debt and he also struggles with the news that his girlfriend (O’ Riordan) is pregnant. With such heavy underlying themes, the series is balanced with an element of dark comedy, accentated by the perfect comic timing delivered by the actors.
The show has four 10-12 minute episodes so that people can watch it on the way to or from work. According to the producers, the show feels like a network TV production; with high production values, quality acting, binge worthy storylines, laugh out loud moments and some heavy underlying themes to keep the comedy measured. The series stars Jonny Elliott, Eddie Jackson, Sinéad O’ Riordan, Steve Gunn, Ben Condron, Tania Notaro and an impressive range of dedicated support actors.
I’m thrilled absolutely thrilled with the award. I didn’t want to follow my first feature film ‘Dead Along The Way’ with another no-budget effort that would take me on the same journey. I also didn’t want to sit on my hands and wait for someone to hand me a magic suitcase of cash to make a second film. In fact, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to make that second film because Sucking Diesel was evolving into a TV show. A Webseries felt the right choice of project for many reasons:it is relatively uncluttered space where we could stand out, we could offer interested studios a flavour of what to expect from the TV show, and Youtube offered us an immediate and global audience.
Maurice O’Carroll, writer/director
The series was made on a budget that consisted of favours from friends and good-will. The series has opened several doors for the filmmakers and has already peaked the interest of some studios about possibilities for the show.
Sucking Diesel has been fleshed out into a 6-part TV series and also adapted as a feature film. The proposed TV series was considered by Sony WorldWide TV and, although they eventually passed on it, we have been referred to three London based producers who might be a better fit for the project. When one door closes, three more open! However we are also only too aware of how fickle the industry is, so we are willing to continue its journey ourselves and set out to bring this to your TV screens.
Sinead O’ Riordan, Actress/Producer
Sucking Diesel is available to watch now on Youtube (For A Limited Time Only)