THR is reporting that Irish actor Jamie Dornan has signed on to play in Emma Forrest’s Untogether, opposite Ben Mendelsohn, Jemima Kirke, and Lola Kirke.
Dornan will play Nick, a successful writer who has an affair with Jemima Kirke’s Andrea , a former teen prodigy turned heroin addict, who is trying to become a writer. Lola Kirke will play her younger sister, Tara, who also likes the company of older men, namely boyfriend Martin (Mendelsohn), and who has her eye on an even older charismatic Rabbi.
Forrest will direct her own screenplay, with Scott LaStaiti, Luke Daniels, and Brandon K. Hogan producing the independent drama. Jeff Rice, Jeff Elliott, and Chad Moore will executive produce.
Production on Untogether is set to get underway on October 17th. The film will attempt to find buyers at the Toronto International Film Festival which kicks off today.
Jamie Dornan can next be seen in Anthropoid, alongside Cillian Murphy, followed by Netflix release and Irish produced feature The Siege of Jadotville, and season 3 of Northern Irish drama series The Fall.