Meet the Croods! DreamWorks Animation has released 10 character posters for their upcoming feature animation The Croods, via Facebook. Each features one of the 7 members of the Crood clan, two hairy critters, and another depicting Guy, a newcomer to the pre-historic family.
The film takes us back to “a previously undiscovered era in the history of our planet” and centres on the culture clash between a family of cavemen and a newcomer called Guy.
Ryan Reynolds plays Guy, with Emma Stone, Nicolas Cage, Catherine Keener, Cloris Leachman and Clark Duke all lending their vocals.
The Croods will hit our shores on March 22nd.
The Croods takes us back to the beginning – to a previously undiscovered era known as the Croodacious – a time when Mother Nature was still experimenting and the flora and fauna we know today had yet to evolve. At the heart of this comically chaotic world is the Crood family, led by Grug, an over-protective father who, like all dads, is doing everything he can to hold his family together as the world around them changes at a dramatic pace.